Metasequoia glyptostroboides gold rush
Metasequoia glyptostroboides gold rush

Dilworth, assistant professor of forest management, recently received a packet of dawn redwood seeds from Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts. The Daily Barometer (June 3, 1948) reported that Professor J.R. campus: two trees, young and older, northeast of Community Hall

  • The Story of the Discovery and Naming of Dawn RedwoodĬorvallis: tree in Riverfront Park, just south of the Harrison Ave.
  • Metasequoia flourished in the Miocene epoch of 25 to 5 million years ago and left its record embedded in rocks across the Oregon landscape. State Fossil of Oregon: The Oregon legislature designated the Metasequoia as the official state fossil in 2005.
  • 'Miss Grace' - more or less ground sprawling, but if staked, a small tree with weeping branches.
  • 'Gold Rush' - bright yellow foliage in spring and retains much of the color throughout the summer.
  • Several cultivars are available, including: Hardy to USDA Zone 4 Native to Sichuan (Szechuan, Szechwan), China. Easy to transplant, performs best in moist, well-drained, slightly acid soils. Bark reddish brown when young, darker, fissuring, and exfoliating in strips when mature. Needles 15 mm long, opposite, straight or slightly curved, bright green above, light green below. 'Ogon' was one of two plants selected in 2006, the inaugural year of the highly popular ACS Collectors' Conifer of the Year Program.Deciduous conifer, 70-100 ft (21-30 m), excurrent, pyramidal, flat topped when mature. It is also occasionally seen listed as 'Golden Mantle.' Regardless, since 'Ogon' is the original recorded cultivar name that is the only one considered valid. patent for this tree under the name, 'Golden Oji.' As it became aware that the plant was already circulating with a couple of different cultivar names, the patent was soon withdrawn. In 1995, New Oji Paper Company applied for a U.S. Around that same time, Larry Stanley & Sons nursery, Boring Oregon received it and starting distributing it under the name 'Gold Rush,' which to this day is the most commonly seen misspelling. In 1993, Pieter Zwijnenburg Jr., Boskoop, The Netherlands got the first propagation material directly from Japan and renamed it 'Goldrush' and began distributing it under that name in 1997. With this definition, the name 'Ogon' is the valid cultivar name. Its original Japanese name was 'Ogon' which translates to "gold bullion" or "gold coin". This plant has a very long and confusing saga pertaining to its proper nomenclature. The original tree was planted in 1977 at the Kameyama breeding station, Institute for Forest Tree Improvement, New Oji Paper Co., Ltd, Mie, Japan. This cultivar originated in 1974 in Japan as a seedling selected from a batch of X-ray irradiated seed by the New Oji Paper Company. Young trees that do not receive adequate irrigation are highly prone to sun damage.

    Metasequoia glyptostroboides gold rush full#

    It should be noted that the foliage will burn in the full sun.

    metasequoia glyptostroboides gold rush metasequoia glyptostroboides gold rush

    A mature specimen will easily exceed 20 feet (7 m) tall after 10 years in the landscape. 'Ogon' will create a striking statement in the landscape with it's golden foliage and heavily buttressed trunk. It is a fast-growing selection of dawn redwood with pleasing bright yellow feathery foliage that will turn tawny brown before being shed in the fall.

    metasequoia glyptostroboides gold rush

    Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Ogon' is commonly known by the trade name Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Gold Rush'. Additions to the International Conifer Register.

    Metasequoia glyptostroboides gold rush